
A 2D online multiplayer shooter video game about programming your own bot and battling against others.

View the Project on GitHub Sandruski/bot-battles

Bot Battles

Bot Battles is a 2D online multiplayer shooter video game about programming your own bot and battling against others. Two clients compete in an authoritative server.

How to play

Code a bot

  1. Go to data>scripts>bots.
  2. Copy or create a new .py file in the same folder.
  3. Open it in Visual Studio.
  4. Go to data>scripts>stubs.
  5. Open botbattles.pyi in Visual Studio too.
  6. Go to docs.
  7. Open
  8. Code your bot.
  9. Once you’re done, save it.

Create a map

  1. Download Tiled and install it.
  2. Go to data>source.
  3. Open backyard.tmx or house.tmx or create a new map in Tiled.
  4. Edit your map.
  5. Once you’re done, export it as a .json in data>maps.


  1. On the client, write the IP and the port of the server, your name, and select the bot that you want to play with. The bot can be one of the example bots (easyBot or hardBot) or your own bot.
  2. On the server, write its port, and select the map that you want to play in and the duration of the game. The map can be one of the example maps (backyard or house) or your own map.
  3. Wait until the connection between the client and the server is established.
  4. Watch the deathmatch.
  5. Once it is over, go to the directory of the executable of the game.
  6. Open the .log file to check the output of your bot.

Have fun!



Method Description
onSeenNewBot It is called when the bot starts seeing another bot.
onSeenNewWeapon It is called when the bot starts seeing a weapon and ammunition box.
onSeenNewHealth It is called when the bot starts seeing a first aid box.
onSeenLostBot It is called when the bot stops seeing another bot.
onSeenLostWeapon It is called when the bot stops seeing a weapon and ammunition box.
onSeenLostHealth It is called when the bot stops seeing a first aid box.
onWeaponPickedUp It is called when the bot picks up a weapon and an ammunition box.
onHealthPickedUp It is called when the bot picks up a first aid box.
onBulletHit It is called when one of the bot’s bullets hits another bot.
onBulletMiss It is called when one of the bot’s bullets hits a wall or the floor.
onReloaded It is called when the bot reloads its primary weapon.
onHitByBullet It is called when the bot is hit by another bot’s bullet.
onHealed It is called when the bot heals itself.
onHitWall It is called when the bot collides with a wall.
onKill It is called when the bot kills its opponent.
onDeath It is called when the bot is killed by its opponent.

Input Component

Attribute Description
linearVelocityX The desired linear velocity of the bot on the horizontal axis (x-axis).
linearVelocityY The desired linear velocity of the bot on the vertical axis (y-axis).
angularVelocity The desired angular velocity of the bot.
Method Description
shootPrimaryWeapon Fires a bullet with the primary weapon of the bot (if any) in the direction that the bot is facing. It only shoots if the primary weapon has currentAmmo.
shootSecondaryWeapon Fires a bullet with the secondary weapon of the bot in the direction that the bot is facing.
reload Reloads the primary weapon of the bot (if any). It consumes the necessary ammunition from an ammunition box (if any) from the bot’s inventory. It only reloads if the primary weapon’s currentAmmo is less than maxAmmo and the bot has ammoBoxAmmo.
heal Heals the bot. It consumes all HP from a first aid box (if any) from the bot’s inventory. It only heals if the bot has firstAidBoxHP.

Transform Component

Attribute Description
position The position of the bot measured in pixels. (0,0) is at the top left of the battlefield.
rotation The rotation of the bot measured in degrees. 0 is towards the right of the battlefield.
direction The normalized vector of the rotation of the bot measured in pixels. (1,0) is towards the right of the battlefield.

Rigidbody Component

Attribute Description
linearVelocity The linear velocity of the bot measured in pixels/second.
angularVelocity The angular velocity of the bot measured in degrees/second.
maxLinearVelocity The maximum value that the linear velocity of the bot can take.
maxAngularVelocity The maximum value that the angular velocity of the bot can take.

Collider Component

Attribute Description
size The dimensions of the collider of the bot measured in pixels.

Sight Component

Attribute Description
seenBotEntities A list of the entities of the seen bots.
seenWeaponEntities A list of the entities of the seen weapons and ammunition boxes.
seenHealthEntities A list of the entities of the seen first aid boxes.
Method Description
getSeenBotInfo Returns a snapshot of the entity of a seen bot. The snapshot is of its transform, rigidbody, collider, weapon, health, and action components.
getSeenWeaponInfo Returns a snapshot of the entity of a seen weapon and ammunition box. The snapshot is of its transform, collider, and weapon components.
getSeenHealthInfo Returns a snapshot of the entity of a seen first aid box. The snapshot is of its transform, collider, and health components.

Weapon Component

Attribute Description
primaryWeaponDamage The damage dealt by a bullet fired with the primary weapon.
secondaryWeaponDamage The damage dealt by a bullet fired with the secondary weapon.
currentAmmo The ammunition contained by the primary weapon.
maxAmmo The maximum ammunition that the primary weapon can contain.
ammoBoxAmmo The ammunition contained by the ammunition box used to reload the primary weapon.
primaryWeaponRange The maximum distance (in pixels) that a bullet fired with the primary weapon can travel.
secondaryWeaponRange The maximum distance (in pixels) that a bullet fired with the secondary weapon can travel.
primaryWeaponShootingTime The seconds that it takes for the bot to shoot with the primary weapon.
primaryWeaponShootingCooldown The seconds that the bot has to wait to perform another action after shooting with the primary weapon.
secondaryWeaponShootingTime The seconds that it takes for the bot to shoot with the secondary weapon.
secondaryWeaponShootingCooldown The seconds that the bot has to wait to perform another action after shooting with the secondary weapon
reloadingTime The seconds that it takes for the bot to reload the primary weapon.
reloadingCooldown The seconds that the bot has to wait to perform another action after reloading the primary weapon.

Health Component

Attribute Description
currentHP The health points.
maxHP The maximum health points.
firstAidBoxHP The health points contained by the first aid box used to heal the bot.
healingTime The seconds that it takes for the bot to heal itself.
healingCooldown The seconds that the bot has to wait to perform another action after healing itself.

Action Component

Attribute Description
canPerformAction Whether a bot is ready to perform a new action.

Map Component

Attribute Description
tileCount The number of tiles in the map.
Method Description
getTileType Returns the type of a tile of the map. It can be a floor, a wall, a bot spawner, a weapon spawner, or a health spawner.
isVisible Returns the visibility of a world position seen from another world position.
getWorldPosition Returns the world position of a tile.
getMapPosition Returns the tile of a world position.


Attribute Description
normal The normal of the contact point measured in pixels.
relativeVelocity The relative linear velocity of the two colliding objects measured in pixels/second.